| Introduction of TrueBell

If you use this software, you will be able to use a computer as an alarm chimebell system with lower cost and easy way.

When a place(school, academy, office, store, factory, etc.) is required a chimebell or a time signal, TrueBell is a quite useful software.

TrueBell use dedicated soundcard. So, no restriction of using computer sound!

  01. When a place(school, academy, office, store, factory, etc.) is required a chimebell or a time signal, TrueBell is a quite useful software.
  02. TrueBell use dedicated soundcard. So, no restriction of using computer sound.
  03. If you register TrueBell, you will received 30 bell sounds.
  04. TrueBell will be able to set each time bell sound differently.
  05. TrueBell use wave file as bell sound.
If you have a mp3 file, After converting mp3 to wave, You able to add TrueBell sound.
(After TrueBell registration, eTrueSoft will provide mp3ToWave program.)
  06. At real-time TrueBell synchronizes a computer time as standard time.
  07. Installation and removal are simple.
  08. At computer start time, TrueBell will be able to operate automatically.
  09. Because Setting contents is stored, using is convenience.
  12 TrueBell will be able to indicate countdown of bell time with a computer monitor full screen.
  13 TrueBell will be able to end a computer by Reservation.